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Consulting as we knew it is changing rapidly like almost every other industry, our education, our governments, our health systems... We are here to host and facilitate processes that can allow those transitions and transformations to unfold.


BELAVODA is a network of people from all over the world that strive to co-create the system change that we feel the need for, it is a collection of our knowledge and experience, it is a space in Nature. INA KUKOVIC BOROVNIK is the founder of BELAVODA​.

She started out as a lawyer, went on to live and work in China as a sustainability consultant, came back to her home country to become the public speaker for the Primer Minister of Slovenia, later on finished her MBA, and became a professional yoga instructor. She holds the first Chief Reinvention Officer certification in the world. She is a certified Warm Data Lab Host. 


She is an inspiring speaker, a facilitator of executive level conversations an advocate for bringing more LIFE back into how we think and do. She works with various kinds of organisations, from small to big, from profit to non-profit.

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Is made of our name BELAVODA, an alteration of a little village under a volcano where our source is, our roots, INA's family. It means white water in translation.

The sign represents WATER, it is an old Chinese sign for water. That represents our spirit and way of working.


Water is life.

Water grows ideas.

Water is more than 80% of our bodies.

Water changes shapes and adapts.

Water is Nature.

We believe there is a need to transform and rewild our leadership.

Join our conversation.

© 2016 by BELAVODA d.o.o.

Slovenia, EU

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