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Stop and rewild yourself.

REWILDwomen is more than simply a retreat, it is a powerful process designed for personal growth and greater connection—with your body, your soul, and your instinctive nature.


Join for three days in your choice of charming private residences set in the wilderness of either the Slovenian or Spanish mountains. REWILD's experienced facilitators and coaches will invite you to:


  • Partake in facilitated embodiment practices within the natural surroundings

  • Join in daily group coaching workshops and activities

  • Spend time with yourself to reflect and dream

  • Share laughter and connection with amazing women from around the world

  • Enjoy delicious, healthy daily meals cooked onsite by local chefs

It has been a real journey, piloted by magician Olga and the luminous Ina. A journey of personal growth based on a very powerful idea, that of "rewilding", something akin to returning to the most natural and wild state that we all carry inside of us.


A space and a time to explore, recharge batteries, to fill yourself with energy, to take care of yourself, release ballast, to be more aware of where you tread and where you want to tread.

- Begoña, Spain

“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.” 

― Clarissa Pinkola EstésWomen Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype


Our retreat in fall 2020 is sold out.

Reach out if you would like to know more about it, get involved in monthly online gatherings.

Experienced coaches, a thoughtfully selected group of 8 - 10 women, and nature’s embrace will support you in discovering your personal path, where you want it to lead you, and how you want to walk it.

What will you leave the weekend with?

The REWILD process encourages its participants to discover what is truly wild about them—a deeper connection and surfacing to whatever part of themselves feels formerly hidden. For some, this could mean uncovering a deep vulnerability, for others it could be manifesting their sense of adventurousness. Takeaways are deeply personal and the ReWild process supports each woman’s pursuit of her personal path while carefully maintaining a sense of connectedness within the group.


Together, Olga Romanillos and Ina Kukovic Borovnik have over 20 years of coaching and group facilitation experience. ReWild Women was conceived from their combined professional realization that today’s women need a supportive process and community to lead them back to the parts of themselves that they may have long ago concealed or hidden away.


Price per person with all the sessions, food, the sleeping arrangement is 650 EUR. Transportation is not included in the price. Once you make the decision we will send you an invoice via email and we ask you to make at least 30% downpayment once you decide to come. We ask you to make the full downpayment at least 30 days before the program starts. We will return the full payment if you make the cancellation at least 30 days before the program if you make the cancellation, later on, we will keep the 30% downpayment. 




Aquí y ahora, niñas

Apresando esta tierra que nos mira


Aquí y ahora, todas

Ofreciendo nuestra piel de arcilla,

de sueños, de vida


Aquí y ahora, juntas

Dibujamos nuestra alianza

de respeto, libertad, curiosidad,

cariño, conexión, confianza,

un pacto de lobas

que aúllan de madrugada,

de mujeres salvajes

construyendo su cabaña


Mujeres que se cantan,

que se bailan

con el cuerpo y con el alma

Mujeres que crujen el aire con sus palabras

que fluyen como hojas que caen

ahora lentas

ahora a ráfagas

Mujeres salvajes que se abren

se renuevan, se lloran



Aquí y ahora, nosotras

Sentimos la lluvia que nos grita en la cara

El agua que nos cala las entrañas

El barro que nos atrapa y nos va dejando su marca


Los instintos más feroces

nos asaltan

Los silencios más oscuros

nos impactan


El mar quiere arrastrarnos al fondo del abismo

y no nos dejamos

Las cuerdas son cortadas

Las piedras arrojadas


Ya va siendo hora

de volver a casa



Here we are, now, as little girls

Grabbing this land that is looking at us


Here we are, now, all of us

Offering our skin made out of clay

of dreams, of life


Here we are, now, together

We draw our alliance

of freedom, curiosity, respect,

connection, confidence, care

A wolves' deal

that howl at dawn,

of wild women

that build their hut


Women who sing to each other

who dance to each other

with the body and the soul

who flow like leaves that fall

sometimes slowly

sometimes in gusts

Women who unfold

rejuvenate and sob


Here we are, now, all of us

Feeling the rain crying into our faces

the water that infiltrates our hearts

the mud that catches and leaves its mark


The most ferocious instincts

strike us


The darkest silences

crash into us


The sea wants to drag us to the deep abyss

and we will not allow it

The robes are cut

The stones are thrown


It is time

to come back home

Written by Begoña Aráez Noguera, participant October 2018

We believe there is a need to transform and rewild our leadership.

Join our conversation.

© 2016 by BELAVODA d.o.o.

Slovenia, EU

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